We support



AS Vunder is the supporter of Kumu since 2006 when Kumu was first opened, contributing to its Educational Centre with high-quality art supplies. This is our share in promoting the wider spread of culture and helping to bring art closer to people.

Kumu is the headquarters of the Art Museum of Estonia as well as the biggest and most prominent exhibition venue in Estonia. The museum opened on 17 February 2006. In 2008 Kumu received the European Museum of the Year Award. Kumu’s role is to be both an educational and entertainment centre, a booster of art and artistic life, a research institute, a place for reflection that carries a message of stability, a place that creates and provides experiences, and a creator and interpreter of meanings.

Kumu Educational Centre is a separate entity of Kumu, which acts as a learning environment for art education, providing a large variety of programmes throughout the year. Kumu Educational Centre welcomes the audience from the smallest to the very oldest. The experience gained in the exhibition halls can be expressed personally in Kumu art studios – there are numerous workshops of different complexity organised by renowned artists all through the year as well as good opportunities to work with ceramics, graphics and painting. Kumu Educational Centre hosts a variety of museum lessons, excursions, lectures, experience events, trainings, workshops, etc.

Through its different courses of action Kumu creates an environment, which is open for various interpretations and encourages visitors to develop their opinions. Kumu is a meeting place where the story of modern and contemporary art reaches the audience both through exhibitions and spectator programmes, highlighting the diversity of knowledge and experience of people that come to the museum.




AS Vunder is supporter of the Contemporary Art Triennial for School Students Eksperimenta! since 2011 when the first exhibition was held under the European capital of culture Tallinn 2011 programme. We support various projects and workshops of Eksperimenta! with high-quality art supplies so that the young people could achieve maximum results. By supporting Eksperimenta! we give our share to bringing young people to the arts and allowing them to show their work on the international level. Eksperimenta! helps to bring closer the contemporary art and art education and launch sustainable changes in art education in order to make the contact between people and culture last.

Eksperimenta! is a multilevel international art education project aimed at school children (age 14-19), artists and art teachers. Eksperimenta! consists of three parts: triennial exhibition, IDEAlaboratory and the network of art schools and art centres. The principal goal of Eksperimenta! is to bring art and art education closer together.



Tallinna Zoo

AS Vunder is godparent of the pair of red-crowned cranes of Tallinn Zoo since 2011. Red-crowned crane, also called Japanese crane (Grus japonensis) is a bird species belonging to the genus grus, family gruidae and is the heaviest bird among the crane family. In the Orient, the red-crowned crane is a symbol of longevity.

In 2017, we started marketing products “In support of the Tallinn Zoo” – we contribute 2–5 cents (depending on the product) from the sale of every product to the Tallinn Zoo.

Tallinn Zoo belongs to the city of Tallinn and was founded on 25 August 1939. The first exhibits of the only zoo in Estonia were the lynx Illu and two brown bears Jüri and Mari. The lynx puppy Illu was received as a present by the Estonian Shooting Sport Federation team that had received it as a present in 1937 in Helsinki, after becoming the World Champion and winning the Argentine Trophy. That gave the last push for establishing a zoo in Tallinn. Illu is also depicted on the Tallinn Zoo logo.
