French Shellac Liberon 250ml

French Shellac Liberon 250ml


French shellac consists of natural resins and ethanol. It is the perfect choice if you want the furniture to have a genuinely precious and antique look. Best for finishing the mahogany, walnut and oak furniture. Also suitable for finishing decorative objects and acoustic musical instruments. It highlights the depth of the wood grain pattern.
Coverage: 16m2/L
Drying time: 2h
Application: Brush, cotton wad
Tool cleaning: ethanol

French Shellac Liberon 250ml Prantsuse Šellak Liberon 250ml Availability in stores:
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze 2
  • ARS Skizze
  • Kalamaja Skizze
  • Tartu Skizze 2
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze 1
  • E-Shop
19,20 76,80/l
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Prantsuse Šellak Liberon 250ml
French Shellac Liberon 250ml
19,20 76,80/l
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