Ink set Sennelier Artist

Ink set Sennelier Artist


Sennelier Artist Inks, which are similar to Indian inks, are available in a selection of high quality colours. Extremely rich, these inks are manufactured with shellac gum giving each color a unique brilliance, brightness and intensity. They can be applied with a brush or ink pen and give a satin to brilliant film depending on thickness. They dry rapidly and display a high degree of water resistance, without being indelible. Ideal for calligraphy, brush and quill drawings, washes and for textile creations. Sennelier Indian Ink is the traditional indelible deep black ink of exceptional density and light stability. Dilute with water for wide range of washes.

Tindi komplekt Sennelier Artist 4x30ml Availability in stores:
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze 2
  • ARS Skizze 2
  • Kalamaja Skizze 1
  • Tartu Skizze 1
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze 1
  • E-Shop
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Tindi komplekt Sennelier Artist 4x30ml
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