Porcelain paint Schjerning 100g

The Schjrening porcelain colours are worldwide known, amongst other because of their shine, their brilliance and their high quality. The colour grains are very fine, thus they can easily be mixed with the oils and mediums. They are transparent onglaze colours and should be applied in a thin layer. Generally, one single application plus burning is sufficient, but in some cases, the colour can be strengthen by two applications with intermediate burning. All colours are intermixable.
Firing: The colours develop between 750°C and 820°C (especially the ones based on gold, like purples and violets). Choose an avarage temperature of 820°C. Some colours contain cadmium (2059, 2082, 2083, 2086). It’s recommended to fire them max 780°C, preferably 740°C. This means to burn once your other colours, then apply your cadmium colours and to reburn. However, if you want to burn them at the same time as your other colours, apply them in a thicker layer, or two layers allowing drying between two layers, to avoid draw-out the first layer.
Portselanivärv Schjerning 100g 2092 ivory black |
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