Ring Remover Liberon 125ml

Ring Remover Liberon 125ml


Liberon Ring Remover will remove most white water marks and heat marks from highly polished surfaces, including French polishes, lacquers, varnishes and modern hard finishes. Ring Remover is wax and silicone free.
Coverage: 12m²/L
Drying time: 30min
Application: cloth
Tools cleaning: furniture cleaner

Ring Remover Liberon 125ml Liberon Ring Remover 125ml Availability in stores:
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze 2
  • ARS Skizze
  • Kalamaja Skizze
  • Tartu Skizze 2
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze 1
  • E-Shop
16,60 132,80/l
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Liberon Ring Remover 125ml
Ring Remover Liberon 125ml
16,60 132,80/l
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