Soap ingredient Rayher lather concentrate

Soap ingredient Rayher lather concentrate


Making soaps is as easy as baking cakes with the right ingredients and recipes: simply cast, lovingly kneaded, artistically decorated and the soaps become true masterpieces. You can pick the ingredients on your own and put them together individually: shape, colour, scent… all the things that you most enjoy. Own-made decorative soap put the bathroom in the limelight make a good impression, but are aslo excellent as a small gift.
Use Rayher lather concentrate and your creative soap becomes wonderfully foamy! Add 1-3% to the finished soap mixture and mix it carefully.

Soap ingredient Rayher 10ml lather concentrate Seebi lisand Rayher 10ml vahu tekitaja Availability in stores:
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze 2
  • ARS Skizze
  • Kalamaja Skizze 2
  • Tartu Skizze 1
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze 2
  • E-Shop
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Seebi lisand Rayher 10ml vahu tekitaja
Soap ingredient Rayher 10ml lather concentrate
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